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Photos from Amelia's first 6 months of Amelia's life are in the Solwerks Gallery. To keep up with Amelia's present growth, visit the Amelia & Dashiell group on Flickr or see Erik's pictures (updated irregularly). Claire also has an Amelia blog for your enjoyment (also updated irregularly).
Amelia Lynn was born on Sunday, February 20th at 12:51 PM by C-section. Dad, Erik, said:
Mom and baby are both fine, details and pics to follow.... We’re all happy and healthy and overjoyed.
More info on Amelia's first days from Claire's mom, Lynn:
Claire had to have a Cesearean Section on Sunday. She had labored since Fri evening dinner time, but the baby's head was cocked at an angle, and she was sunny side up, and so couldn't get into the birth canal properly. Claire was very brave, and patient, as it was a very difficult, hard labor. Thank God for modern medicine!!!!!
Amelia Lynn Fadiman was born at 12:51 Sunday. She weighed 8 lb, and 14 ounces, after peeing all over everything! She is 21 inches long, and has lots of dark hair. She is looking a bit like Erik!!!! Erik was wonderful throughout. We have all been exhausted since then, and Erik has been with Claire the whole time, so no time to do emails. Claire is doing well, and she will have to recover from the C section, and she will, it will just take some time. All is well, and Amelia is of course beautiful! They went home [Tuesday night].
before birth.
Claire's baby shower was held on Saturday, January 8th, 2005. See photos.
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Last updated 08.29.08