Saturday night I stayed very late at my mom's house, chatting. Finally I dragged my butt to the car at 3:30AM. My car wouldn't start. I then realized that my gas tank was nearly empty and I was parked on a very steep hill. Doh! I went back inside the house to beg rescue from my mom. She put on her shoes and coat and we went to the shed where we, thankfully, discovered a couple of gas cans (neither very full). After trouble with retracting nozzles, gasoline on hands, and one false car start, we finally prevailed. I was able to back up the driveway and drive to the gas station down the road where the nice gas station attendent let me wash my hands while I refilled my gas tank. I guess Benjamin had a point all those times he told me not to wait so long to get gas. :-)
I guess you should have more gas in your tank.
-Billie, age 6
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