Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Movie: National Treasure

Good, considering it's Disney This movie was pretty fun. There were tons of things about it that weren’t credible, but it was still a good little story. I hold it to a lower standard since it’s a Disney flick. Benjamin hates Disney, but he enjoyed it too.


Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

Hmmmm....what would it have taken to make this an excellent movie? I mean, the catacombs and even the scale of the treasure were flat out ridiculous, no? Not to mention the high-tech stereo viewer the used...really, come on!

I dunno, I think that Americans aren't as dumb as Hollywood we really need these visuals to get engaged in a story? Perhaps you will agree with me (I do ;)) that if these film makers invested more in intelligent storytelling...I mean, just pay a smart undergrad history major $10, could come up with a briliant and believeable story....

Funny, I saw this movie only a month or two ago and have forgotten almost all of it....because it was so forgettable? That said, maybe it was really intended for children and my expectations are too high...But I did enjoy it, as well. Do you happen to know of any other films of this genre (problem solving etc).

Oh, by the way, have you seen, unrelated, "The Visitors"? Also, totally unrelated, "The Celebration"?

Blogger Star Girl said...

It is indeed a forgettable film. And I think either our feelers were off when watching the TV commercials, or this was mis-marketed as an adult film. (How do you phrase that without unintentionally making it sound like you’re talking about pornography?) FWIW, the movie is rated PG.

No other “problem solving” movies that are recent releases jump to mind. Some possibly obvious and not-so-recent ones include Raiders of the Lost Ark, Tomb Raider 1 and Tomb Raider 2. I tend to watch and read lots of forensic stuff like CSI. ;)

I haven’t seen The Visitors. or The Celebration. Should I? I don’t see the latter on IMDB.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girl.
By the way, thanks for indirectly recommending's a good read...partly because it's not intended to be consumed as a meal, I mean, you know what I mean....maybe not.

Ok, well...I dunno why these two movies occurred to me...but...The Visitors is, if you have a big enough screen and/or have hooked up your tv to speakers. a very nice atmospheric not so much thriller as suspense movie. I mean, it have nicole kidman in it can't be bad (oops, she was in stepford wives...I ake that back)....anyway, very nice movie.

The Celebration, well, in my opinion, at the risk of sounding pretentious (you don't know me at all so you won't be able to tell) this movie is simply's the best movie of it's genre (you can tell me the genre after you watch it!) on my list, and I have seen like a million films. It was made by the Dogme people
I am sure you've seen something by them....

Anway....I still don't know why your site atracts my attention....but anyway: When you rent this film
(You are using Netflix, right?) I know Scarecrow is excellent and Hollyood is handy, but you really must use netflix if you don't...ok, when you get the dvd, ignore the description of the film. It claims that it's something like adark comedy or soemthing. Nothing funny in this film. Just watch it like you are a person in the the first scene....pertend you are another guest, that's the way it is intended I too much coffee.

I was in Seattle last week for XMAS etc. Relly rainy, I adored it. Something I noticed about that town is that there's always a breeze, I mean ALWAYS...not to mention the weather is always changing. Ok, lday, thanks for your attention. There was a grammar error I was going to mention...but I fear I probably made my share of typos and errors I will keep quiet for now....ok later!

Mr. Violet

Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

WOW....I think I had like in that post, sorry! I am beginning to enjoy your grammarish things anyway, Girl.

Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

The Celebration:
It's Danish I think.;fc=1;ft=170;fm=1

Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

Oops...that film was called the Others, not the visitors....sorry...if you even were considering it =)

Blogger Star Girl said...

Thanks for all the commiseration. FWIW, I am not using Netflix. It didn't work for me. I found that I'd get things that I wanted to watch in theory but didn't want to watch right then, but I'd feel like I needed to watch it. So I'd end up keeping the same movies for weeks, which wasn't cost effective or satisfying. Also, ever since I got Tivo & HBO I watch a lot less movies. I tend to binge, rather than watching them on a regular basis. So local video stores really work best for me, though I know many people love Netflix. :)

Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

Ok then!
Would be curious to hear how you feel about, "The Celebration", should you ever get a chance/whim to see/review it!
By the way, is it easy to make a nice blog? Not that I have a huge audience, but you never know what the cat might drag in ;)

-Mr. V.

Blogger Star Girl said...

Yes, it is easy. Most of the major blogging tools have a number of templates and most likely one will appeal to you. Mine is a basic Blogger template and I just keep tweaking it a little here and there, mostly with other tools like All Consuming and Flickr.

Anonymous Mr. Violet said...

Thank you, Star Girl =)

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