Movie: The Da Vinci Code
Good story, though it may not withstand scrutiny
Tonight Benjamin and I went to see The Da Vinci Code with Benjamin’s parents at The Majestic Bay theater in Ballard (love that theater!). I haven’t read the book, so my opinions don’t include a comparison to the original.
I enjoyed the movie. It didn’t feel too long and it felt pretty well acted and put together. Certainly you can drill holes in the story if you want to, but that just doesn’t bug me all that much. I guess I’m a pretty easy movie critic. Benjamin and his parents thought the movie was pretty mediocre, but what I heard of their criticisms of the logic didn’t impress me that much.
(POSSIBLE SPOILER) On the other hand, the lack of any of Jesus’ DNA with which to compare the alleged heir’s seemed like a critical flaw. Who cares if they could prove she was related to Mary Magdalene? If everyone believes that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute then why would they think that Jesus was the father of her child? Anyway, I still thought it was an entertaining movie. I’m in favor of suspending one’s disbelief for fiction so it worked fine for me. :-)
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