Web design, CSS, and related resources
I just put together this list of web design, usability, and accessibility resources as well as the latest information on CSS2 and XHTML for a coworker and thought it might be useful to others as well. It is by no means definitive, but still has lots of good info. If you have other resources you like, please share!
Web design concepts and practices
- Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug This is an easy read with good basic info
- Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed by Jakob Nielsen and Marie Tahir The bullet list of tips is great info and this is a fun browse
- Designing Web Usability : The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen This is a denser read but is a “classic.”
Implementation and technique
- Bulletproof Web Design by Dan Cederholm I think this is a great, easy to read book that covers the basics of CSS2 and XHTML. The only important thinks it ignores are multicolumn layouts with fixed and fluid columns (aka The [CSS] Holy Grail) and hybrid layouts (see Zeldman’s book for that).
- Any Eric Meyer book on CSS2 (he wrote the O’Reilly CSS2 book as well as some follow-along type books; I’m sure they’re all excellent info so it depends on the depth you want and your learning style)
- Designing for Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman Skip to page 154 for useful info. Chapters on hybrid layouts are especially useful
- alistapart.com A great site written by a bunch of the cool guys of CSS and XHTML
- csszengarden.com A CSS sample playground
- simplebits.com Dan Cederholm wrote the book Bulletproof Web Design listed above
- zeldman.com Jeffrey Zeldman wrote the book Designing for Web Standards listed above
- happycog.com Jeffrey Zeldman’s web design company
- joeclark.org Joe Clark wrote the book Building Accessible Websites
- louisrosenfeld.com Louis Rosenfeld wrote the O’Reilly book Information Architecture
- useit.com Jakob Nielsen is the preeminent web usability expert and has written many books, including two listed above
- nngroup.com Another Jakob Nielsen site
- usability.gov Government guidelines on usability, including a ton of web usability
- meyerweb.com Eric Meyer wrote the O’Reilly book on CSS2 and a few other CSS2 books
- positioniseverything.net CSS code, topics, hacks, etc.
- mikeindustries.com/blog/archive/2004/08/sifr sIFR is a new way to deliver custom typography online through the use of embedded Flash
- blueflavor.com/ed This is the blog of the web company Blue Flavorthat seems to post about process quite a bit
- pingmag.jp/2005/12/09/the-website-development-process/ An amusing outline of the web design process
Don't forget Digital Web Magazine - an online magazine for web professionals.
This is great, thanks. I'm gonna show it to my class.
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