Walking at Gasworks park
On Thursday afternoon Maple and I went for a walk with Miller and her friend Carlos, who was visiting from Spain. It rained a little, but the sun also came out. I parked near Lake Union and walked with them to Gasworks park. After that, we walked up to the Essential Baking Company in Wallingford for coffee and pastries. More photos from Thursday.
Hi =)
Hey...now I want to make a blog =) do you have to pay for yours? Also, there aren't nearly enough photos of the blogger for this site ;) Also, might you have a big file of this ploto? I am nostalgic about seattle...can give you an emila address...=)
...also....for no good reason I found myself in benjamin's wish list...notice the watch...perhaps he hasn't hear of Wenger...the original swiss army watch people...sho make some stunning watched that are sort of conservative euro-esque....uhhh.whatever..huge selection, ultra scratch-resistant crystal...the wenger site has nice interface...then buy one through amazon, can get for half price...ok enough.
Hi Mr. V.
Long time no type. So many questions. :-)
You can get blogs for free all over the place. Go to blogger.com for more info (blogspot is their free hosting, I think). I have a hosting account for my site solwerks.net so I choose to post my blog there, but I could post it free to blogspot if I wanted.
I am glad you like this photo. Carlos actually took it, but oh well. ;) You can get a larger version on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=253127104&size=o. If that isn't large enough, email me through Flickr or something and I can send you the 6.1MP JPG.
Secretly, there are more photos of me on Flickr, I just don't tend to blog them. Go to the "Me" set on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/solwerks/sets/72157594182596106/ (though then I really might start to wonder about you and stalking!).
I will send Benjamin the link for the Wenger watches. That wish list is out of date, but I still think he's like one of those watches. Currently he wears one that was his grandfather's, which is cool, but it's too tight for him. I know, take it to the watch repair shop. Anyway, I will let him know. His 2nd computer died last night so I think I'm going to end up contributing to computer parts as his birthday present (in addition to the Economist subscription renewal).
Perhaps before you start a blog of your own, it's time for you to reveal yourself to us a little. Remind me where you live again? And you just stumbled on me by accident?
Hi again,
Thanks for your posting =)
Yeah..have not been on the web much since I have been involved in moving...now I live in Missouri, which is about a thousand miles closer to Seattle, a good thing...well, if Tom Waits is Right ("If you get far enough away you'll be on your way back home")...maybe I should start a blog...since I am again a sranger in a strange land...with many novelties to report on...many in my head...and my life is all about the details...
Thanks for the reference for the gasworks photo...will get over there...oh, and also for your photos...of course I am stalking you, online at least...but at least it's not stealthily....I first came across your site, I think I mentioned this, when I was looking for (something) six feet under related...I think you had a 6FU party or something...of course then I was nostalgic about Seattle...and you of course looked quite foxy in your wedding photos ;)...and other stuff....appealing...although our differences are also something to meditate on...a study of another is actually a study of one's self and all that...gotten around to renting "The CElebration" or some Deadwood? =)
Talk with you soon.
-Mr. V. (actually, technically Dr., if you count a PhD...which reminds me of that New Yorker cartoon I saw once...restaurant...hostess on the phone...."ok, reservation for two for Dr. Kaplan...is that a medical doctor, or just a PhD?") ...ok that's another mote of info about me)
Thanks for the info Dr. V. Let us know if you decide to post a blog and we'll check it out. :)
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