I decided I wanted noise canceling headphones to help me focus at work (yea, like that's gonna help) and to replace my
rubberbanded cheapie headphones.
After talking to Simon and reading a little I determined that sealed headphones were probably more appropriate for my usage. Simon loaned me a pair of large Sennheiser headphones to try out (
HD 280 Pro), but they were as big as my head with a very long cord. They weren't bad at my desk but definitely didn't work well in mobile scenarios. I was looking around at
Magnolia Hi-Fi and the saw some fairly small and inexpensive Sennheiser headphones (
PX 200) so I bought them on a whim.
Unbeknownst to me (until I got home and announced my purchase) my sweet and loving husband had ordered me a nice pair of Sennheiser headphones that Simon recommended and were on sale (
HDC451). Benjamin said "First Christmas present foiled." I forgot you're not supposed to buy things you put on your Christmas list. ;-)
I've been using the small PX 200's for several days now and have decided they are
not going to work. They put too much pressure on my ears, and I am really sensitive to that (my glasses give me a headache from pushing behind my ears). After 4 hours with them on (yes, I do this) my ears are all red and I have a headache. Also, I think they are a little too sealed for being around people, but I could deal with that since it also really good in some situations. Anyway, these ones are going back to the store.
So now we await the arrival of the HDC451's and hope that they work for either Benjamin or me.