I attended a class at the School of Visual Concepts (SVC) on Wednesday that was taught by the creator of a really interesting new kid's card game, so I thought I'd tell you guys about it. I am planning to purchase the game for my nephew's birthday (shh, don't tell him!). I don't know why, but I am completely psyched by this game. It just seems so neat - it's great content, and it's gorgeous. I'm very impressed with Amy Tucker for coming up with it.
Xeko is a trading card game based on real life endangered species in different parts of the world. The two editions out so far are Costa Rica and Madagascar, with 32 more locations coming in the future. The art is beautiful and the game sounds both intriguing and educational (game play involves some math, plus learning about the animals). Apparently the game just came out and they've already won two awards. It's available at various stores locally and will be in more by the holidays.
Since the class, I discovered that a woman at work's husband works for Xeko and so now I know that the game is locally created, manufactured in the US and Canada, printed on recycled materials with soy based ink, and 4% of sales go to Conservation International. They also have a stuffed animal of Harry the hairy-eared dwarf lemur and he's made out of a new soy product, too. :)
To learn more, go to
xekogame.com. It's listed as ages 8+ (since math is needed for game play). Another neat feature: their website's
Xekopedia has more details about every animal in the game.