Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two S's: Swinging and Sucking

Photo titled Two S's: Swinging and Sucking Two S's: Swinging and Sucking by Corinne S.

Hi Grandma. Mommy is swinging me so I don't fuss and it's getting dark cuz it's 4 o'clock in Seattle in the fall. I got my first bath last night and this morning I threw up in mom & dad's bed because I drank too much milk. Love, Katie

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well baby

I forgot to give the well baby update after Katie's 2 week checkup on Tuesday. She's over her birth weight now: 9 pounds 6 ounces on Tuesday (more now I'm sure). Her head was up to 14-3/4" around, but she'd shrunk (not really--just different measuring styles I'm sure) to 21-1/2" long.

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First bath

Photo titled Drying off the wee one
Drying off the wee one by Corinne S.

Hopefully you anticipated that when I gave birth my blog would be temporarily taken over by pictures and commentary on the baby. Eventually other subjects will surely creep back in, but for now please note that we finally bathed our little cutie. It's a milestone for us despite being cliche and expected. ;-)

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Photo titled Family
Family by Corinne S.

I think this pretty much speaks for itself. Feel free to weigh in on likenesses (or not).

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuckered out

Photo titled Tuckered out
Tuckered out by Corinne S.

Happy first Thanksgiving Small Fry.

No, she didn't bake a pie or gorge on turkey, but it was still our
biggest outing since her birth so I think she's entitled to a little
nap. :-)

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Content (aka "milk drunk" baby)

Photo titled Content (aka "milk drunk" baby)
Content (aka "milk drunk" baby) by Corinne S.

Kaitlin has gotten so good at sleeping that I worry she isn't eating
enough. I actually think she's gaining weight just fine, but I'll be
happy to verify that at her 2 week "well baby" visit on Tuesday.

Assuming she is on track weight-wise, I'll agree with Claire's
assessment of the situation: "quality problem to have."

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Flickr video

Kaitlin fights the pacifier by Corinne S.

My first video posted to Flickr is, of course, of baby Katie. While this video may look like I'm forcing the pacifier on her, I am not. She likes it, but sometimes gets confused and frustrated about how to initiate sucking. She does this periodically when breast feeding as well...

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Pretty in turquoise

Photo titled Pretty in turquoise
Pretty in turquoise by Corinne S.

Our two big milestones in the last 24 hours: introduction of the
pacifier and first vomit. I don't expect these things are related.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Home again

Photo titled A few short months and voilĂ 
A few short months and voilĂ  by Corinne S.

We came home from the hospital today.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome Kaitlin Irene Sherry

Photo titled Welcome Kaitlin Irene Sherry Welcome Kaitlin Irene Sherry by Corinne S.

This photo doesn't do our beautiful girl justice, but it'll have to suffice for now. Kaitlin (aka Katie) made her entrance into the world around 5:30 this evening. She weighed in at 9.3 lbs and was 22" long. She was ultimately delivered by c-section. Labor began around 9pm Sunday night after some gentle prodding from her parents (she was 5 days past her due date afterall). Contraction frequency increased to every ~3 minutes around 4am. We went to the hospital at 5:30 am. Our Doula Rebecca joined us at the hospital in triage and my own OB came on call at 8am. After a relatively short but intense day of laboring, I was fully dilated around 2:30pm though my water hadn't broken and Katie was still at -2 station. The doctor broke my water then, only to discover that Katie wasn't presenting her head properly (at the time they thought she was presenting her face). We tried laboring down and later an epidural, but she wasn't descending. We agreed to proceed to a c-section around 4:30pm. When they went in to retrieve her they got a big surprise: the cheeks they'd been feeling were of an entirely dufferent variety. Our girl was breech! So here we are in the hospital tonight. A new happy, healthy family unit. We expect to be here until Thursday morning. For more photos in the coming days go to -Corinne & Benjamin

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Missed a deadline

Photo titled Family portrait--40 weeks Family portrait--40 weeks by Corinne S.

The baby isn't yet aware of deadlines and how they're supposed to work. Yesterday was her due date, but she's still chilling out in my womb. We're planning to avoid medical intervention before 42 weeks if possible, though we'll probably try some natural methods to nudge her along if she doesn't make a move on her own pretty soon.

Check out our family portrait series slide show on Flickr to see my belly shrink as the evolution of this little being plays in reverse. ;)

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama Wins!

Obama just won the election. My baby can be born now. :)

Obama Wins Election -
