6 month checkup
Katie's in the 90th percentile for all her stats. Weight 18 pounds, 3
ounces. Height 27". She took her immunizations valiantly and the
doctor says she looks great. :-)
Labels: mylife
Corinne's blog of randomness.
Katie's in the 90th percentile for all her stats. Weight 18 pounds, 3
Labels: mylife
Maple, Katie, and I are walking in an urban wildlife preserve (we
Labels: mylife
"Feeding herself" by Corinne S.
This past weekend Benjamin and I spent our first night away from Katie to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. My mom stayed at our house with Katie, who did surprisingly well. Benjamin and I went out for dinner, browsed at Elliot Bay Books (wishing it was Powell's), and slept at Hotel Max. In the morning we went to brunch at Portage Bay Cafe and then browsed the nearby antique store. It was a nice local getaway.
Labels: mylife