democratic presidential candidates.
November 24th GeekPIC met to review all of the Democratic Presidential candidates
for the 2004 election. Here
are the meeting notes as well as more information provided by some of the individual
reverend al sharpton
Presented by Jane
- Handout; civil
rights activist; has been stabbed (good time to begin politicking)
- Sharpton defended
an alleged rape victim (Duwanna Brawley)
- Doesn�t mention
his family
- Jesse Jackson
his mentor; sees himself as a new JJ as a leader of black america (they had
a recent falling out)
- Talks a lot
and loudly about things he believes in; pretty damn liberal (although not
ridiculously); against Democrats� move to the right
- Says he moves
the people instead of moving with the people (thermostat vs. thermometer)
- In favor of
3 amendments to the constitution (women, civil rights, etc.)
People dislike his �extremism�; regardless he�s trying to encourage voter
registration�will bring votes out, but might splinter Democratic vote
senator john edwards
by Chris H.
- Bkgrd: 49 years;
several times millionaire, trial lawyer (apparently pretty successful)
- First in family
to go to college; really likes to drink
- Senator from
NC; his first public office�beat incumbent 5 years ago
- Things he tends
to push hardest (as opposed to merely typical dem point of view):
- Healthcare:
has done a lot; he & McCain wrote a patients� bill of rights, have gotten
a portion approved (watered-down version approved under Bush I); hold health
plans accountable; also to help kids (Nathan walked in, note-taker distracted....);
generic pharmaceuticals back on market to get rid of stranglehold of big incs;
allow Canadian imports etc.
- Education: teachers
who go to high-risk areas for 5 years it�ll be financially viable [note: he
talks a lot for saying nothing]
- Different from
typical dems: wants to reduce fed spending not military, though; increase
security in bioterrorism (thinks ships not searched enough)
- Supports death
penalty (he is from NC)
ambassador carol
Presented by Steph
- Began as state
rep in �79; got exec job later, ran for US Senator�Illinois�1st af-am female/democrat
in senate
- Was once asked
if she�d run for office again... said no in several languages, apparently
she didn�t speak them well
- US Ambass. To
N. Zealand (under Clinton); controversy has followed her around
Wants to advance cause of women in higher office
- Knows she won�t
win the nomination & says so, she�s a Liberal
- Pro-choice,
against repealing aff action; pro gay-rights, never voted for increase in
defense spending & has voted for contrary; maybe likes vouchers? Dislikes
Patriot act a lot; never voted for a tax cut; against flag-burning amendment
- Criticized for
giving cushy jobs, dated an accused sexual-harassor; has spent a great deal
of $ perhaps public; unaccounted expenditures... no one thought her tryst
with that dictator was a good thing (even J Jackson!)
- Investigated
for taking $ from mom so she could qualify for Medicaid; consistently liberal
voting record
- More info from
Steph's notes
dennis kucinich
Presented by Maegan
- Everything on
scorecard of major issues demonstrates solid research; talks about how things
he advocates will actually get done in accurate, realistic terms
- Boy mayor (Cleveland)
at 31
- Re-entered politics
in �94... huge year for right to take fed gov�t
- Elected to his
state legislature in �94
- Elected to house
of rep in US in �96, still there
- Instant run-off
voting, etc. as far as campaign finance reform
- Predictable
list of endorsers
- Consistency
of voting record with campaign promises: same promises made when he ran for
Congress as he�s making today�all matches up well
- RNC research
page: he votes to cut defense & intell spending, against force in Iraq
Upshot: his voting record corresponds with promises
- 2001 started
bill to estab dept of peace; sounds flaky but legislation actually straight
forward & well thought-out controversy: not re-elected in Cleveland; their
public utilities system in trouble; banks came to him urging privatization,
he wouldn�t. he actually saved citizens millions of dollars, & he got
an award in 1998 for saving their utilities. Criticized for this in 70s &
praised in 80s & 90s for having the foresight to do the right thing.
- Not SO unelectable;
keep him on our radar
- Has said he�ll
only support someone for Supreme Court if they�ll support roe v wade
- More info from
Maegan's notes
congressman dick
Presented by Rachel
- Other than
very pro-labor & pro-fair-trade not free trade, he is the institution
- Has been dem
leader of the house
- Working class
roots (dad a teamster truck driver, mom a secretary)
- Graduated with
degree in law, Northwestern
- Served in International
Guard �65-�71
- Missouri; has
been in House for quite a while�ran for pres in �88, won Iowa caucus, but
lost nomination to Dukakis
- Has been accused
of xenophobia due to his pro-labor stance re countries with which we have
big trade deficits
- Current run:
universal health care�repeal 2001 tax cuts, subsidizing employers� health
care plans; �Apollo program��pretty traditional, environmental stuff with
tax incentives, mostly; teachers corps molded on ROTC; main things: wants
WTO to establish a world minimum wage, would like the domestic minimum wage
to be a living wage
- Organized labor
PACs are his biggest contributors; Steelworkers have endorsed him (steelworkers
actually want tariffs abolished because we�re exporting jobs)
- Has been flaky
on abortion; his opinions have actually evolved since his beginnings, he says
(sketchy! Was out campaigning when a crucial partial-birth blah blah happened
so we don�t know how he would�ve voted)
- Voted against
1st gulf war, but like other dems voted for resolution to give Bush authority
to go into Iraq
- Seems to rest
on his laurels... DIDN�T EVEN GO TO ROCK THE VOTE
- Right now he�s
at 27% in Iowa with Dean at 20%; he�s gained since first of month
- To maintain
his credibility he has to win Iowa (next to his home state); at 6% in New
senator joe lieberman
CNN copy because our presenter was sick; Jenni stepped up to the plate like
the trooper she is
- Civil Rights:
aff. Action. Opp. Same sex marriage, similar laws. Allows gay men in mil.
Sex orient not bar to adoption.
- Supports hate
crime bills.
- Defense: sup.
Missiles & stuff.
- Read your hand-
(e-mail)-out ... but if you don�t read it, please take note:
senator john kerry
Presented by Michael L.
- Who is Kerry?
Party insider, from Boston, good record on women�s issues (estab�d women�s
rape defense fund)
- In �85 in senate,
proposed amendment to employment non-discrim act that would�ve made sex orientation
another thing you couldn�t discriminate on
- Good on queer
issues; supports fed recognition of civil unions for tax reasons, insurance
reasons etc.
- Opposite from
Dean, worked to secure strong dem base
- Heinz fortune-heiress
is his wife
- In latest poll,
behind Dean in Massachusetts (his home state!); might dump tons of money on
New Hampshire, but campaign not going so well altogether
- Health care
similar to Edwards; wants to subsidize health care by providing tax credits
(not so useful for those who start off poor); incentive to employers; free
medical care for kids at or below 300% poverty level; wants to require malpractice
claims revolved by 3rd party council before going to court
- Energy policy:
very specific; �very interesting but not revolutionary�; wants a new trust:
$ from energy companies to pay royalties to fed government to fund conversation,
moving us to energy independence over next 20 years, move to hydrogen-based
energy economy; Thinks longterm; move max to 36mpg by 2015; consumer tax credits
for hybrids; advocate of windpower (way to subsidize farmers, perhaps?)
- Supports agriculture
& rural economics
- Wants to build
infrastructure to create jobs (a la New Deal) to help preserve & make
more efficient energy consumption & provision (commuter rail etc.); wants
to cut gov�t�s energy bill by 20% by 2020... wants to encourage institutions
(doesn�t say how) to adhere to better energy policy; wants to build Alaskan
pipeline to pump natural gas, cooperating with US, Canada & Mexico; wants
to invest tons in research
Education trust fund for actually doing what NCLB�s supposed to do
- Actual specifics:
National Service Programs; 2 years of service in exchange for 4 years of tuition
at state school; tries to avoid unfunded mandates
Wants to create a community defense service (�hood captains)
Pro-jobs; either mili, peace corps, bring IT into first responders
Iraq: wants to drive new UN resolution to create a UN mili force under US
command, all under UN authority to rebuild it... pay for it by rolling back
tax cuts
- More info from
Michael's notes
governor howard
Presented by Corinne
- Was governor
of Vermont �91-2003; physician, so is his wife
- First in VT
house, then Lt. Gov. (part-time job, also a doctor)
- Re-elected 5
times�stopped being governor so he could run for president
- His wife still
does private practice in VT; he doesn�t have a campaign wife (she�s still
doing her thing)
- Fiscal conservative,
social liberal
- Started as an
unknown candidate
- Innovative &
fairly effective grassroots campaign mostly based on internet
- Focused on individuals
& vocally against special interests, said he was going to get small donations
from huge number of folks
- Refused federal
matching funds because he would reach the cap
- Avg. campaign
contribution of $71
- One of most
liberal candidates; against Iraq war�has been & still is
- History of supporting
civil unions for gays & lesbians in Vermont
- Pro-Universal
healthcare, semi-private
- Criticisms:
concern he can�t win the south (strong statement); too liberal to beat Bush;
many not convinced by the �fiscal conservative� self-characterization
- Says he won�t
reduce military spending; would redirect it towards renewable energy technology
which he considers defense; interested in local first-responder stuff similar
to Kerry; supports death penalty for terrorism/police-officer-killers/kid-killers;
thinks guns are a state issue & not needed in Vermont (maybe in New York)
- More info from
Corinne's research
general wesley
Presented by Bill
- Born in Chicago,
grew up in Little Rock, top of class at West Point, was a Rhodes scholar
- Served in Vietnam,
wounded 4 times, went on to military career until �00 (4-star general)
- Supreme commander
of NATO �99-�00; oversaw Kosovo action
- Fired by William
Cohen, Defense Secretary at the time (policy? Arrogant hot-head? More interested
in multilateral approach?)
- Went on to join
a financial services firm
- Has entered
race very late (was encouraged to do so by a lot of folks on the web who pledged
him $2 million)
- Traditional
domestic democratic platform
- Unique stuff:
economic plan, doesn�t want to repeal all Bush tax cuts, just the ones geared
towards the wealth; wants to add more money for state budgets; fund more for
homeland security (created never funded)
- Tax credits
to employers for adding jobs
- Wants a civilian
reserve corps; civilians volunteering to help at local, national level...
matching skills with needs (forest fires to peacekeeping missions overseas)
& people�s choices
- Wants to add
funding for Americorps
- Wants to end
US monopoly on occupation, perhaps add NATO�one of few candidates who thinks
we should add troops to Iraq (didn�t originally support war)
Trade agreements in future should be acc to international standards
Supports card-check laws for unions (if majority at a company votes for it,
employers have to recognize them)
- Supports universal
(?) health care �til age of 22
- Hasn�t said
much about environment, except that he doesn�t want to cut back regulations
- Seems most electable
candidate of the dems�perhaps because bushies have us running scared regarding
national security, so he can speak with authority on military matters
- Up to 4 million
(behind others, but entered late)
- Questions about
his convictions�not much of a Democrat. Hadn�t registered �til he ran for
president. Mili folks are supposedly apolitical. Praised Nixon & Reagan;
not a lot of history of speaking on these things in public
- His policy stuff
straightforward democrat.
- Has often said
he�s opposed war from start; once asked if he�d support bill supporting aggression
in Iraq, said yes, now damage is done whether he meant it or not.