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about geekpic
GeekPIC is a Seattle Political Information Committee (PIC) and voter's group. We're just a bunch of twenty- and thirty-something Seattleites who felt like we wanted to contribute to politics but didn't feel confident in our knowledge of the candidates and issues. So our awesome friend Maegan spearheaded this group so that we could all become more educated without investing all of our time in the process.

The way it works is that we divide up the issues or candidates for a particular meeting so that each person is assigned something to research in advance and then they give a five or ten minute summary to rest of the group. That way no one has to do a ton of research and we all benefit by sharing the information. Initially we met prior to specific elections to review the issues on the ballot. Then we had a meeting to review all of the Democratic Presidential candidates. Now that we are between elections and the presidential election is still far off, we are covering other general interest topics.

If you are interested in joining please join our yahoo group for more information.


past meetings

November 2003 - Democratic Presidential candidate review

November 2004 - Instant Runoff Voting [PowerPoint presentation]


upcoming meetings

For information on upcoming meetings please join our yahoo group.


Last updated 12.10.04